The Arizona Supreme Court Rule 7-205 establishes rules upon which refunds may be authorized. Our company will comply with these rules.

Students who register then do not take the class for which they are registered are not eligible for a refund of the School Fee.

A $15.00 administrative fee will be charged for processing refunds authorized by Arizona Supreme Court, Administrative Office of the Court rules for the State Fee, State Surcharge, or Lower Court Diversion Fee, or who are found not to be in compliance with the state or court’s eligibility requirements.

The refund fee covers a portion of the expense of processing a registration. Processing includes contractor fees, bank fees, credit card processor fees, staff time, and reporting registration information to the court of jurisdiction and the Arizona Supreme Court. Registration cancellations require additional work such as mailing and the cost of processing and distributing refunds.

Refund requests will be processed by our accounting department and mailed by check within ten-business days of request, if approved.


Defensive driving schools may provide a refund of the lower court diversion fee, State fee and State Surcharge when:

(1) A student pre-pays for a defensive driving course, does not begin the course and does not attempt to reschedule the class for a future course. The school shall refund both the court diversion fee and the state fee 30-days after the scheduled defensive driving course date or upon notification from the student the student will not attend a course, whichever is first;

(2) An officer fails to file a citation with a court and the cited person attends a defensive driving course for the eligible civil traffic violation. Upon notification by the jurisdictional court, the school shall notify division staff the student is requesting a refund. Upon written approval by division staff, the school shall refund the court diversion and state fee to the student; or

(3) A citation is dismissed by a jurisdictional court on its own motion, for technical problems not correctable under civil traffic rules of court.

Refund of court diversion or state fees shall result in restoration of the student’s eligibility for a Defensive driving course.

Refund of state fees to a school or a student is not permitted for an ineligible violation or an ineligible student who attends a defensive driving course, whether by fault of the student or school.

At its discretion, a court may direct refund of a court diversion fee to a student, or may direct schools to forward the fee to the court for a bond or other amount due the court, up to the amount of the default for the citation.

Defensive driving schools will maintain complete and accurate records of all refunds and shall attach supporting documentation to each refund disbursement