Remove item Thumbnail image Product Price Quantity Subtotal
× Cactus 751 - Scottsdale City Court $154
× Cactus State Surcharge  $45
× Cactus Administrative Office of the Courts Fee  $24
× Cactus School Fee  $48

Cart totals

Subtotal $271
Total $271
Remember – Upon successful payment, students will not be given functioning login credentials until we’ve received a legible photo and or scan of:

  • The Citation for Which the Class is Being Attended
  • The Frontside of Participating Student’s Identification Card

These files can be emailed to

Access to the class IS NOT INSTANT after payment. As per court requirements, only after these files have been received can our staff verify registration information is correct and process registration with the courts. Typically, during work hours, it can take up to 1 to 2 hours after payment, and required photos are received for our staff to process everything. If it takes longer, students should be given login credentials the next business day at the latest.